• We cannot guarantee that a product is in stock at all times. In the event that an item sells out, and is no longer available, you will not be charged for the product.Orders are processed within a 24 hour period once the order has been made. Customers wishing to cancel orders should email sportstyleurbain@hotmail.com immediately. If the product has already been shipped to the customer, please see the exchange and return policy for more information.
  • Sport Style Urbain reserves the right to cancel any order. While rare, most cancellations occur based upon lack of information, unverified shipping addresses, or fraudulent information. If an order is cancelled, please contact sportstyleurbain@hotmail.com  to rectify the issue. Sport Style Urbain will honor price adjustments for an order in the event that the product(s) in your purchase are discounted further within 7 days of the original order being placed.
  • All content and pictures contained within the website remain the property of Sport Style Urbain and its vendors.
  • For any questions or concerns, please contact us prior to placing an order.